Leon Power Analysis Script

The following is the TCL script sourced in the dc_shell-t to get preliminary power values for the Leon SPARC processor design.  The script applies blanket toggle values to the output pin of every clocked-element in the design.  A range of toggle values are used, and the data is discussed in the preliminary power results section

#/* Script to define power values for different toggle rates */
#/* Gabriel Ricardo, UCDavis ACSEL, 2003 */

#/* paths to target and link libraries set in .synopsys_dc.setup file in working dir. */

#/* the fanout threshold is set to zero in this config file */
#/* this should give power information without the clk tree net power */

set high_fanout_net_threshold 0

read_file leon_zero.db

current_design leon

redirect -append leon.pwr { echo "*****************************************************
***************************" }
redirect -append leon.pwr { echo "**** Power Report with sp_value = default_value, toggle_r
ate = default ****" }
redirect -append leon.pwr { echo "*****************************************************
*************************" }

redirect -append leon.pwr { report_power -cell -net -flat }

redirect -append leon.pwr { echo "*****************************************************
*************************" }
redirect -append leon.pwr { echo "************** Clock net details ******************" }
redirect -append leon.pwr { report_net -conn -verbose [get_nets clk*] }
